5 Stages of Setting then Achieving Your Goals

There is a Ariana Grande Song 7 Rings that really lays out this process (LOL)
5 Stages of Setting then Achieving Your Goals

5 Stages of Setting then Achieving Your Goals

There is a Ariana Grande Song 7 Rings that really lays out this process (LOL)

I know that sounds ridiculous but the lyrics really spoke to me with the idea of achieving our goals.

“I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it.”

These stages do not follow this exact sequence but it’s pretty damn close.

STAGE 1:  I want that...

Each time we see something we want we instinctively ask ourselves, “Is it worth it? (price/time/ effort)”

STAGE 2:  I could do that

In the early stages after we decide yes it is worth it and I do want it, we begin with deciding whether we actually believe we can do it.

“Can I commit to the process? Can I afford that? Do I even have the time? Do I have the energy?

These questions are normal and it all comes down to confidence. Are you confident in your abilities to make that a realty?

“I think I could do that. I mean..it’s not impossible, right?”

STAGE 3:  I CAN do that.

Now we’re getting closer. We have decided it’s not out of the realm of possibility. We have the skillset. We have the drive. Do we have the time or energy to put forth the effort, to put the process into play.

“I’m certain if I set my mind to this process I could get there and do what that person did!”


Here is the process I will follow. Here are the days/ times I will work on it. Every single detail matters, write it down and follow to a T.

I’ve thought long and hard and I’m finally ready to begin. LET’S FUCKING GO!!


This step is that simple. Just get started. You wrote out a detailed process you believe will get you there now take step one. Getting started is often the hardest part.

DO NOT get paralysis by analysis.

If you do not take step one you’re wasting time/ energy thinking about it. Start and be ok with the fact that the process may change along the way. You will learn some things as you get further into the process. When you do, you will need to have an open mind about making adjustments to your plan.

So, what is are you thinking about right now?

Where are you in the process?

We all have something we’re eying, what are you going to do to make it happen?

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